Not sure what happened here other than to say that yogurt is a lot funnier than zero point energy. Maybe I’ll manage to stay on topic tomorrow!
Not sure what happened here other than to say that yogurt is a lot funnier than zero point energy. Maybe I’ll manage to stay on topic tomorrow!
We are the substrate that bacteria party on. Never forget who your true master is: the hundred billion bacterial cells living in your gut, thousands of species drinking your beer for free. Consuming yogurt is the only true form of revenge we can take on these microfloric lactobacillus loafers. This…
May 18, 2012
In "bacteria"
Every theological discussion I hear sounds like this to me. It sounds like cats debating. It sounds like people arguing about legos or bowling or yogurt -- clearly all of them have good things going for them, a quality or two that some people feel passionate about, but ultimately perhaps…
September 16, 2010
In "corn god"
Have you ever wished you could transcend your physical reality and become a being of pure energy? Me too.
May 24, 2013
In "energy babes"
Tags: ew, makers, meat, yogurt, zero point energy
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