You know what’s awesome? Goats is now on GoComics! Read it from the very beginning of the Infinite Pendergast Cycle and get psyched for new Goats comics coming this fall! Do you like SFAM? Do you read the comics here...
Hey Everyone! I'm going to be exhibiting at TCAF this weekend! it's at the Toronto Reference Library this Saturday and Sunday. I'll be signing books and prints and such with the Topatoco gang, tables 286-291, up on the second floor. Please come...
Popes are funny guys! One minute they seem harmless and kind, the next they’re justifying violence as a response to cartoons. You never know which pope you’re gonna get! They should package them in blind boxes. If you're seeing this...
I hope you enjoy the deep social commentary hidden within today's comic. It's there. Keep looking! We're only $507.75 away from out next milestone goal over on Patreon. Why not check it out and help us get the rest of...
Popes! They're always surprising you. I bet this pope loves to party. On Tuesday, we reached the first goal in our Patreon drive! Thank you to all of you who chipped in and helped make this such a success. I'm...
Hello SFAM readers! We've got a couple of new products in our store today. I'm pleased to introduce the Bunnies Polo Shirt and the I Tried Tee. Please take a look, and if you like them, purchase one! Or both....
Popes! There's never one around when you need one. Hey! You! Would you be a dear and purchase something from the SFAM store today? Your purchase goes towards feeding and clothing me. And you do not want me to be...
The Corn God creation myth says that the Corn God created all of existence from one of His Niblets, plucked from His own chest and served in a delicious cream sauce, about thirty years ago. It also says that Sting's...