Every time I think humans have no redeeming qualities, they go and prove me wrong by landing a rover on Mars. Congrats, NASA! You done good. Now how about we triple their budget so they can fight the space terrorists?
Every time I think humans have no redeeming qualities, they go and prove me wrong by landing a rover on Mars. Congrats, NASA! You done good. Now how about we triple their budget so they can fight the space terrorists?
With all the budget cutting going on, I think it's safe to say that NASA isn't getting its collective ass to Mars anytime soon without some creative thinking and cheap labor. The answer? Consultants. Tiny, tiny consultants. Okay! Back to work. Any of you going to be at TCAF in…
April 19, 2012
In "baby rocket scientists"
It's only a matter of time before we get clobbered by space rocks. How clean is your underwear? Check out this Baffler auction! Chris yates made a one-of-a-kind Bunnies Baffler and YOU have a chance to own it. Go bid!
February 20, 2013
In "2012 DA14"
This comic is a good example of what happens when sleep deprivation stops being cute and starts getting downright serious about things. Anyhow. Space Bears!
December 22, 2011
In "brangelica neptune"
Tags: budgets, chain stores, mars curiosity, masa, nasa, rovers, space exploration, terrorism
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