Today’s strip carries on from Boson Buddies, which is a thing I was not expecting. My perspective on repeat strips is almost always wrong, and I live in a state of constant surprise and fascination.
I am tired. I go to sleep now. Kisses!
Today’s strip carries on from Boson Buddies, which is a thing I was not expecting. My perspective on repeat strips is almost always wrong, and I live in a state of constant surprise and fascination.
I am tired. I go to sleep now. Kisses!
Welcome to Day One of our very first Famous Destinations Travelogue! Today we're flashing back all the way to 2010 and the super-popular adventures of Sciencemaster Adler, gentleman and scholar. Adler seems to have been through a rough patch but I think it suits him. Stop back tomorrow for Day Two!
February 14, 2011
In "guns"
It seems like there's a new cosmology just about every day. There are so many you can choose whichever one you want! Customize it to serve your purposes -- mine has two Big Bangs and a large fries, and the gravitational constant is a neat and tidy 3. Come back…
July 29, 2010
In "celebrity"
Science gets really interesting when economies of scale come into play. What happens when exotic particles are commonplace? Will we put them on our sandwiches? I'd like to think so. Sorry for the lateness of today's strip, I fell asleep mid-inking. This is what happens when my caffeine intake is unregulated. I…
October 13, 2010
In "donkey"
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