I would imagine that State of the Union addresses are pretty much the same everywhere you go.
Sorry for the lateness with this one, I was trying to make the Chitinids scary and failed completely.
I would imagine that State of the Union addresses are pretty much the same everywhere you go.
Sorry for the lateness with this one, I was trying to make the Chitinids scary and failed completely.
And that's your Empress Mrs. Spelt! Enjoy her.
September 17, 2010
In "blarthan empire"
They say that only tachyons can travel backwards in time, but how do you become a tachyon in the first place? Is there a correspondence course you can take? Or do you have to be born to the right kind of family? Either way, it must take an awful lot…
September 7, 2010
In "coffee"
Looks like Empress Mrs. Spelt is off to a good start! The first day at a new job is always tough. I am off to SPX! I hope to see you there this weekend. I will be exhibiting with Topatoco so come say hi and pick up some Goats books!…
September 10, 2010
In "blarthan empire"
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