Sciencemaster Adler is in some trouble, I think. Remember that box he found last week? I wonder how he became so popular so quickly? Mysteries abound!
Sciencemaster Adler is in some trouble, I think. Remember that box he found last week? I wonder how he became so popular so quickly? Mysteries abound!
Welcome to Day One of our very first Famous Destinations Travelogue! Today we're flashing back all the way to 2010 and the super-popular adventures of Sciencemaster Adler, gentleman and scholar. Adler seems to have been through a rough patch but I think it suits him. Stop back tomorrow for Day Two!
February 14, 2011
In "guns"
Sciencemaster Adler doesn't seem too pleased with yesterday's press conference. We're getting dangerously close to a storyline here, please vote one of these fellows off the island so I can go back to molecule-of-the-day gags.
July 30, 2010
In "graduate students"
Looks like Sciencemaster Adler is getting out of Dodge while he still can! I wonder if he will be able to escape his obsessive fanbase out there in the wider multiverse. Let's wish him luck on his journey. Good luck!
August 27, 2010
In "energy"
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