Happy New Year, everyone. May it be substantially less shitty than the old one. Previous New Year celebrations here at SFAM: Happy New Year Resolute Hey! it’s that time of month again, where I plead with you to become a...
I've been watching The West Wing on Netflix. A mustachioed Nick Offerman shows up in episode five around the 21-minute mark to talk about wolf breeding. Just a little PSA for you. Also, the culture of mashups needs to die...
Here are your porkminers, friends! This comic doesn't make much sense to me either but sometimes meat takes hold of us and makes us do things against our will. This is one of those times. Okay, off to bed for...
Jobs onboard Intraxis ships are lucrative but generally not good for social climbers. It beats the hell out of the French Foreign Legion for forgetting stuff, though. If I spent a lusty, languid night with some loose protons I'd probably...