President Terminator Skeleton wants the best for your planet! He is brave and shiny.
I did FIVE bonus comics last week! Go read ’em here.
President Terminator Skeleton wants the best for your planet! He is brave and shiny.
I did FIVE bonus comics last week! Go read ’em here.
The next POTUS needs to be a lady. I'm callin' it, no backsies. Guys, we had a nice run, but it's time to give ladies a chance to fix all the things we messed up.
January 23, 2013
In "fictional characters"
Hello!!!! Welcome to my SPOOKIEST SFAM yet, SFANs!!! I hope you are not allergic to WEREWOLVES!!!!
October 31, 2014
In "full moons"
Tags: corporate surveillance, drones, planets, politics, presidents, terminators
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