I put together a tiny ebook with all of Teh Nerdzors comics I made back in the day! You can get a copy for free if you’re a Patreon patron or pick up a copy for whatever price you’d like right here.
I put together a tiny ebook with all of Teh Nerdzors comics I made back in the day! You can get a copy for free if you’re a Patreon patron or pick up a copy for whatever price you’d like right here.
Have you seen the Agent Carter television show? Me neither. But I bet it goes a little something... like this. I put together a tiny ebook with all of Teh Nerdzors comics I made back in the day! You can get a copy for free if you’re a Patreon patron…
February 9, 2015
In "agent peggy carter"
I'll admit, I've never read the original Burroughs novel, but Andrew Stanton's film adaptation John Carter is a flawed gem of a movie. All it really needs to be great is a Queen soundtrack. I wish I knew an internet where people had computers they could use to rescore John…
August 10, 2012
In "barsoom"
Really opened a vein for this one, let me tell you. Fluid came out! Cola-flavored. Hint of vanilla. Anyhow, for serious, have you bought the SFAM book yet? It's really nice! If you like this comic I guarantee you'll like it in book form. And I need you to buy…
August 26, 2011
In "androids"
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