Hey! You! Are you reading this? I bet you are. You’re reading the whole thing. I control what you think now. Blueberries. See? Now you’re thinking about blueberries.
I need some sleep.
Hey! You! Are you reading this? I bet you are. You’re reading the whole thing. I control what you think now. Blueberries. See? Now you’re thinking about blueberries.
I need some sleep.
Today's SFAM is about the horrible, horrible news. All of it. Wouldn't it be nice if all the news was good news about kitten adoptions? Okay, time for you to buy my new book. You will enjoy it! I insist.
June 28, 2013
In "bigotry"
I'm just going to ignore the news from now on. I know it's bad. The point has been made. I've had enough sports, politics, pop culture, murder, war. I'm done with those things. From now on I write comics about slime molds. Nobody could be offended by that.
May 4, 2015
In "anthropomorphism"
They found the Higgs! Man, I was itching to do a bosonic strip last week, but my prior commitments to the good folks of the Westeron Cluster superceded my own petty desires. But nothing is stopping me now! I hope you're excited for two to three weeks of boson gags,…
July 9, 2012
In "couches"
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