The Dungeon Divers have invaded my brain; bear with me while I exorcise the demons. Just a few more hundred strips.
Hope your New Year is going swimmingly so far! Two days in and nothing has caught fire yet.
The Dungeon Divers have invaded my brain; bear with me while I exorcise the demons. Just a few more hundred strips.
Hope your New Year is going swimmingly so far! Two days in and nothing has caught fire yet.
Dungeon Divers are back! Now with 100% fewer dungeon divers. More to come soon.
July 2, 2017
In "chad"
The Dungeon Divers are back! With, appropriately, a bit of backstory for the dungeon. Enjoy!
September 29, 2016
In "artificial intelligence"
Tags: bront, captive, dungeon cuisine, dungeon divers, eddie, maps, professionals, thief, useless wiseasses
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