Our intrepid documentary crew has reached the top of the megahorse! Their discoveries there will rock the very foundation of the Multiverse. Or not.
Okay! Back to work for me, it’s all cut out, in pieces, all over the floor.
Our intrepid documentary crew has reached the top of the megahorse! Their discoveries there will rock the very foundation of the Multiverse. Or not.
Okay! Back to work for me, it’s all cut out, in pieces, all over the floor.
Today we return to Horse Beach to witness the beginning of a new expedition to the top of the so-called Megahorse. Good luck, travellers! The Goats Kickstarter ended last night! it is now the #6 all-time most-funded comics project on Kickstarter. You made this happen. Thank you so much! I'll…
March 23, 2012
In "all-terrain horse vehicle"
We've returned to Horse Beach to drop a few more horse-related knowledge bombs. Did you know that horses dislike political discussion? I did. There's six days left in the Goats IV Kickstarter! We've hit the $35,000 goal, which means that Goats will begin updating again on a monthly basis! That's amazing. If…
March 16, 2012
In "horse beach"
Holy cow! This is the fourth strip this week! One might say I am on a roll, but one says all sorts of things and only a small fraction of them are worth listening to. I am going to try and keep up a more frequent schedule, with a minimum…
September 30, 2011
In "centaurs"
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