I wanted to draw war-torn kittens today. Needed to. You know the feeling.
(It’s my prerogative. Sue me.)
I love all my children equally.

The Truth About Kittens
If these revelations about the multiverse shocked and rocked you, just wait until we release the congressional sex tapes. There's twenty minutes of on-camera shaving and then a filibuster's worth of what I like to imagine is slabs of pork slapping rhythmically. Pint Glasses make excellent Christmas presents, or so I'm…
December 8, 2010
In "blarthan empire"

Kittens In A Barrel
Tuesday's SFAM veers away from horses for a bit to tackle the thornier issues of puppies and kittens. Hey, have you heard about the Goats IV Kickstarter? NO? Amazing. Check it out! We're only about $8k away from a full-on Goats resurrection.
March 13, 2012
In "corn god"

The Kitten Hole
This is another piece of fan service for Goats readers who always wondered where those kittens really went when they got fed into that spaceship engine. If that made sense to you, great! Superb. If it didn't, be thankful and go on about your life. You're not missing much. I…
June 24, 2010
In "desire"