And that’s your Empress Mrs. Spelt! Enjoy her.

Empress Mrs Spelt
Looks like Empress Mrs. Spelt is off to a good start! The first day at a new job is always tough. I am off to SPX! I hope to see you there this weekend. I will be exhibiting with Topatoco so come say hi and pick up some Goats books!…
September 10, 2010
In "blarthan empire"

The Decree
It's been a while since we've checked in on Empress Mrs. Spelt. It looks like she's settled into her new job quite nicely! We are now selling these brand new phone cases! Designs include Bunnies Monolith, Cornelius Snarlington, Dungeon Divers and more. Check ‘em out.
February 4, 2015
In "blarthan empire"

The Orrery
This is Empress Mrs. Spelt's fourth appearance! I think she's doing a pretty good job, empires are a messy business but she's handling things with aplomb. It's only two weeks until New York Comic-Con! Are you guys going? I sure am. I'll be exhibiting with the Dumbrella folks (and a…
September 24, 2010
In "antiquing"